How Many Policies Does an Insurance Agent Sell | An Expert Guide

How many policies does an insurance agent sell? This is a common question among today’s investors. As a result, we’ve written this article to help you. The majority of individuals do not dream of working in the insurance industry one day.

It’s not the most glamorous job, and it’s frequently linked with aggressive salespeople shoving their wares down your neck. But let’s face it: there’s a lot of money to be made in the money industry! More millionaires have been made in the financial services business than in any other industry.

Do you feel like you’re locked in a rat race? You work hard and have a decent job, but the authorities, bill collectors, and your supervisors grab the bulk of your pay. As your income rises, so does your standard of living, limiting your ability to accumulate money.

How Many Policies Does an Insurance Agent Sell?

How Many Policies Does An Insurance Agent Sell

This is the average for a person who has just started the journey through the insurance market. Most people start with a small policy and then increase their coverage to a larger policy. It can be a good idea to start with a small policy and work your way up to a large one. 2.5 policies per month is the average for a person who has just started the journey through the insurance market. Most people start with a small policy and then increase their coverage to a larger policy. It can be a good idea to start with a small policy and work your way up to a large one.

What is the Average Number of Policies Sold by an Insurance Agent?

Insurance brokers, according to data, sell between 25 and 40 policies every month on average. Every day, many individuals reach the age of 65 and become eligible for Medicare. Millions of uninsured Americans are unaware that they qualify for health insurance.

Let’s not forget that everyone will die at some time. Of course, quitting your day job and expecting to become wealthy overnight is unrealistic. Insurance is an excellent side business to start as you trace your way out of the rat race.

Assume you want to make an extra $10,000 outside your 9-to-5 work. You may accomplish your commission target for the year by working a few more hours each week and selling 20-35 new Medicare insurance.

This may soon escalate to the point where you no longer need your day job as your book of business grows.

How Many Policies does an Insurance Agent Sell: The Potential for Passive Income?

How Many Policies does an Insurance Agent Sell: The Potential for Passive Income

Rich people do not work for a living. They create procedures and invest in assets that allow their money to work for them. Insurance is a tried-and-true method of doing this. Let’s revisit the statistics from the last case.

You may expect to make $10,000 in yearly commission if you sell 20-35 Medicare insurance. That’s a substantial sum of money, but it’s merely the start. You may keep getting monthly renewal money as long as your customers are in your book of business!

At an annual renewal rate of $270, 30 customers would make $675 in passive revenue every month. To meet your $10,000 objective in the second year, you would only need to sell 4-8 insurance.

If you opted to sell 30 additional policies, you’d start with $16,000 in renewal money on top of your commissions in the third year! Your revenue multiplies with each new customer after you’ve built up your renewal commissions and transitioned into full-time insurance sales.

As your expertise grows, you may hire agents and start your insurance firm. This is another way to get passive money!

Insurance Agent: Reasons to Choose this Career

It’s essential to understand the key reasons for choosing this job after understanding how many insurance salesmen’s policies sell. Here are a few reasons why you might contemplate becoming an insurance agent and taking advantage of a growing industry.

Insurance is required for everyone.

Insurance is one of those businesses that are thought to last a lifetime. People will always require insurance coverage. In many employment sectors, the stability of an insurance career is hard to come by.

There is a policy (or multiple policies) that every American needs, whether it be life insurance, home owner’s insurance, vehicle insurance, or any of the many other insurance products available.

Because of the enormous variety of products that need to be insured, as well as the expanding number of adults in the United States, there will always be policies to sell. This is in addition to individuals to sell to.

Take charge of your destiny

Captive and independent agents are the two types of insurance agents. While both sorts of agents have the option of working for themselves, one alternative provides even more flexibility.

Captive Agents

These agents work for a specific insurance provider and only offer their policies. You’ll still be your boss, establish your meeting hours, and manage your book of business as a captive agent.

You control the day-to-day operations of that book of business, allowing you the flexibility to manage it, its clients, and policies as you see fit. This type of independence may help you break out from your desk and the employee rut.

Independent Agents

These agents aren’t bound to a single organization and may work with and sell policies from a range of insurers. Captive agents have the same liberties as independent agents since they are their employers. They, too, have the freedom to handle their time and business as they see appropriate.

However, as their employers, they have more independence and flexibility. Another advantage is offering precisely the items and kinds of insurance you choose. In most insurance fields, there are several prospects for professional advancement.

As long as you possess the necessary licenses, you may enrol in an educational course and concentrate on that or attend an insurance product conference and focus on it. You have control over how you use your time as your employer.

Produce as much as you want

Working in the insurance industry, you’ll almost certainly rely on sales to make a living. Many insurance salespeople are compensated wholly or partially via commissions.

The majority of contracts follow a straightforward formula. For new policy sales, agents get paid a commission, and they get given a commission for policy renewals. Different commission rates apply to other kinds and values of insurance you close.

While there are several models available, this is the most common. When you operate on commission, you offer yourself the opportunity to earn as much money as possible depending on your sales.

While this isn’t for everyone, it does imply that your prospective salary isn’t limited. The longer you work in the sector, the larger your book of business will be, as well as your pool of regular renewals. You’ll almost certainly continue to experience significant profit potential due to this.

According to the BLS, top agents in the United States make over $100,000. You may obtain a piece of that rich pie if you believe you have what it takes to generate consistent revenue.

It is simple to begin

Insurance may be an excellent path for you if you’re migrating from another field or just starting as a professional. Unlike other occupations, learning how to sell insurance is neither costly nor time-consuming.

Without any previous knowledge or experience, you may usually prepare for and pass your state’s license test in a few months. You’re ready to start selling or seeking available employment now that you have your license.

Many insurance companies don’t even demand a college diploma get started. This job may begin at the entry-level yet pays like an executive. Some speciality licenses take longer to get, but you may do so while working and earning money.

It feels nice to assist others.

Consider this if the arguments above didn’t convince you of the fantastic benefit life insurance sales can provide. When you sell insurance, you’re offering peace of mind, a safety net, and protection from the financial ruin that so many unanticipated catastrophes may bring.

After a home fire, the things you offer a family might help them get back on their feet. They may assist a grieving widow in focusing on her grief instead of her impending financial trouble.

They may even assist a parent in obtaining medical assistance for their sick children without having to worry about substantial hospital fees hanging over their heads. This is significant and worthwhile work.

Studies have confirmed what you already know. It feels nice to assist people. It may also help you stay healthy and live a longer, happier life.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many policies does an insurance agent sell?

Insurance brokers, according to data, sell between 25 and 40 policies every month on average.

Why do insurance agents leave their jobs?

The most common cause for agents to stop selling insurance is a lack of funds. The lack of prospects to market to is the second most prevalent reason agents fail to sell insurance. The agency was not a suitable match for the third reason. Personal concerns are the fourth.

What kind of insurance is the most lucrative to sell?

Auto insurance is presently the most popular and lucrative kind of insurance to offer.

Is it possible to earn a lot of money by selling insurance?

Yes. If you have the enthusiasm and drive to put in the additional effort, there is no restriction on how much you can earn selling insurance. However, once everything is up and running, insurance of sale may be a successful company with significant profit margins.


In conclusion, insurance provides an excellent revenue option for agents. And if you desire to know how many policies an insurance agent sells, the tips above will aid you immensely.



Adam Grabois is an expert in all aspects of Insurance and Property with 20 years of experience. He is a licensed broker of all lines including property, casualty, life, and health. As a licensed adjuster, he is well-versed in all aspects of insurance, and he owns All Needs Insurance agency in Florida.

He attended Tufts University where he earned his undergraduate degree, followed by a Master's degree from Columbia University.

Adam shares his breadth of experience by helping many businesses and individuals manage risk and protect themselves financially. He now shares this with the audience of the "Pro Insurance Info" website.

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