Feg Insurance Reviews

Feg Insurance Reviews | In-Depth Review Guide of Feg Insurance

It means Freedom Equity Group (FEG). It is an insurance company that does business through “network marketing.”  This company has been in business for more than 19 years. Feg has worked with companies like AIG, National Life Group, and Phoenix. Let’s learn about feg insurance reviews.

So, you can rest assured that we’re not here to sell you on the platform. Instead, we’re here to help you figure out if this is a real chance or not. This means finding out what the company does and who works there.

Plan for how the Freedom Equity Group will get paid. At FEG, you can make money by selling insurance plans or getting others to sell insurance for a commission.

Even if you don’t sell anything, you can make more money by getting other people to sell. How you move up in rank depends on how many policies you sell. Also, how much money do you make from commissions?

After training, you can start selling and getting other people to join. The way FEG does business includes mentoring and training as essential parts. How you get leads and where you get them is up to you. These can come from referrals from friends and family.

Is FEG a scam or just an MLM?

Feg Insurance Reviews

Multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations, like FEG, are set up in a hierarchical structure.

It’s a sales model in which you can earn commissions. You can do it as distributors’ sales below the recruiter or a regular seller. It is not a lie, even if this company doesn’t tell you much about their products or how they find people to work for them.

The Better Business Bureau has given FEG an A for being a legitimate business. It has been running for years and has a strong group of people in charge.

FEG: How to Get Rid of Them

You might want to leave FEG for reasons like breaking to spend on leads or prospects or realizing that selling insurance isn’t a great choice.

The good one is that it’s easy to do it. Here’s what you should do.

First, find another company to work for. You can do this by doing some research. Once you do it, you can change your ties.

Remember that the state, not the company, gives you your insurance agent license. No insurance company can stop you from ending your contract with them and starting doing business.

Your relationship with Freedom Equity Group may need to end. Most of the time, the termination must be filed within 30 days. However, it is not always necessary to complete the affiliation.

To be appointed adequately with the new insurance company or agency, you must sign a contract with them.

Most companies only have a short amount of time to process affiliations. Most companies approve insurance agent carrier appointments in 1 to 2 weeks.

Should you become a part of Freedom Equity Group?

Feg Insurance Reviews

If you’re here, it’s because you’re considering joining Freedom Equity Group and want to learn more about it. This is the end of your search if that is the case. 

Whether or not you participate is of no consequence to me. As a result, you can be confident that you’ll get an accurate picture of the company.

Let’s begin with a look at the company itself first. More important than great products and a good compensation plan is having a solid company with a stable infrastructure that can handle growth. A well-experienced management team is in place. The fieldwork supervisors appear to be extremely competent.

Companies like Fidelity & Guaranty and National Western Life are clients of California-based firms. If you’ve done your homework, meeting with people in the company’s headquarters makes more sense than flying across the country.

If all you want to do is make a few bucks here and there, you probably don’t need to go to the office. As long as your long-term business can bring in six figures (or more) per year, it’s worth it.

Index Universal Life Insurance is what IUL stands for.

Unlike term insurance, which only covers you for a predetermined time, this type of insurance cover you for the rest of your life. IULs are a tax-advantaged way to save and grow your money while providing life insurance.

Furthermore, policies they sell include Living Benefits, allowing you to continue using your coverage even after death.

If you decide to join, you’ll have a large market to sell your product to because everyone needs to know about these essential financial services.

It’s pretty clear what’s going on here in terms of compensation. Sometimes, you can earn up to 93 percent of your clients’ annual premiums. When a client pays $250 a month, you get a percentage of the yearly premium, which is $3,000. You will receive half of the $1,500 annual premium if you are a District Manager, the third position in the pay plan.

Remember that you will likely receive 75 percent of your commission right away and the rest later. Depending on the underwriting process, the client could take anywhere from 30 to 90 days to be approved. Even though you’re helping people in desperate need of financial assistance, you’re still getting paid handsomely.

As a leader, you’ll be rewarded with commissions, renewal income, and Generational Overrides. It is possible to participate in Bonus Pools and earn money for the company. Overall, it is possible to make a substantial sum of money if you construct your company correctly. So, don’t worry about the commissions that life insurance companies pay.


What kind of business is Freedom Equity Group? Yes, is the short answer? The company has been around for a long time, and the people in charge are strong. Should you do something? 

Only you could answer that question. FEG may be the right company for you if you want to market a more professional service and like sitting down with people to help them solve their financial problems.

Here are three things to think about before you join. First, learn how the company builds its business so you can fit in with the company’s culture. For example, there may be a conflict if the company’s whole culture is based on home appointments and you want to add online webinars and conference calls.

Two, find a sponsor and team who can help you grow your business with a system you can use. For example, you could ask to see the document or training they use to license people who aren’t permitted. Is there even a plan set up? Or do they leave the new rep on their own to get their license? 

Lastly, we suggest you use Attraction Marketing to get a steady flow of good leads. You could reach out to your warm market. So, think about how big your team could get if you get 20 or more targeted leads daily. If you do these three things, you have no idea how successful your FEG business could be.

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