Getting life insurance if you are obese or overweight may be a difficult and often unpleasant procedure. Insurance companies may ask for additional details about your health records, which may be unsettling for some. The real kicker is to receive life insurance without significantly increasing your premiums if obese or overweight. Thus, we have written this article on the best life insurance for high BMI. It is, nevertheless, best to be proactive about the procedure and know what queries life insurance companies will ask.
What is a Body Mass Index (BMI)?

The ‘body mass index,’ or BMI, is a metric that utilizes your height and weight to estimate how healthy you are. According to the National Health Service:
- You are underweight if your BMI is less than 18.5 pounds.
- Between 18.5 to 24.9 pounds is considered a healthy weight range.
- You’re overweight if you’re between 25 and 29.9.
- If you’re between 30 and 39.9, you’re obese.
- You are termed morbidly obese if you are beyond 40.
It’s crucial to remember that BMI doesn’t account for a variety of characteristics. For example, muscle is bulkier than fat. Thus someone with a lot of muscle might be considered obese. When you apply for life insurance, however, your BMI will be taken into consideration.
Can you get the Best Life Insurance for High BMI?
Even if your BMI is high, you may still receive life insurance. This, like other life insurance, is very dependent on the insurance company. Most life insurers will give regular rates for those with BMIs up to 30. Nevertheless, the BMI limit for life insurance might vary greatly. Because each insurer evaluates applications on a case-by-case basis, various levels of coverage and rates are likely to be offered.
If you are overweight or obese, life insurance companies will want extra details regarding your lifestyle and health records to assess the amount of coverage you are eligible for. The premium of your life insurance will reflect this as well.
The NHS deems you morbidly obese if your BMI is more than 40. While you won’t get life insurance due to this, your rates will almost certainly rise. There will be fewer life insurance carriers ready to offer coverage too. In this instance, it’s essential to get advice from a life insurance professional about your alternatives.
How does BMI Affect Life Insurance Premiums?

A higher BMI will almost always result in increased rates. The maximum weight for each health class is listed on each company’s height and weight charts. Some firms divide men and women into distinct divisions. The male weight limitations for each health class are often greater than the female weight limits. Certain businesses use unisex charts, these benefits heavier women who would otherwise fall into a higher group on female-only charts.
Aside from BMI and gender, there are additional elements that influence how BMI affects life insurance. Your age is a significant factor. The other is your physique.
According to studies, a bit heavier seniors are likely to be healthier and live longer than their slimmer counterparts. Insurance companies are concerned that seniors with a low BMI are feeble rather than slim. Keep in mind that unless proved otherwise, insurance companies will err on the side of caution.
On paper, your weight may seem to insurance companies to be excessive. They’ll believe you’re obese until you show up for your health check and show them your additional weight is due to muscle mass. This is a difficulty that professional athletes face. This problem may also affect those who participate in physical activities such as bodybuilding courses. Make sure to tell your insurance provider if your body mass is muscle rather than fat. They can tell you what kind of information you’ll need from your doctor to acquire insurance exclusions.
Life Insurance Policies for People with a High BMI
There are a variety of plans available for those with a high BMI. However, your choices may get restrictions based on your weight and health. The most frequent forms of life insurance for obese persons are listed below.
Life Insurance with No Medical Exam
This is a solid high-BMI coverage choice on the market. Although no physical examination is required, the insurer will review your medical information. The company may also provide term life insurance for 10 to 30 years, with a maximum payout of $250,000.
If you want extra coverage, you might choose plans that require a medical exam. This sort of coverage costs a bit more than regular coverage that requires a medical exam. One benefit of no exam life insurance plans is that they might be issued considerably quicker than regular insurance policies. You may usually be accepted in days rather than weeks or months.
Life insurance with a graded death benefit
You may get graded death benefit insurance if you don’t want the No Medical Check Life Insurance and have some mild – to – moderate health conditions. A graded coverage is considered a high-risk policy. A two-year waiting period for payouts distinguishes a graded death benefit from a typical life insurance policy.
This implies that if you died during the first two years of the insurance, your heirs would get the premiums you paid plus interest (usually 10%). After two years, you will have complete coverage.
Graded death benefit plans are less costly than guaranteed life policies and have less stringent underwriting. Furthermore, there is no medical test and just an application to submit.
Life Insurance with Guaranteed Acceptance
In the worst-case situation, you’d apply for a life insurance policy with assured acceptance. Although you can generally avoid it, this is the most costly life insurance. It is often known as guaranteed issue insurance coverage. It is intended for patients who have major health issues, such as cancer. It’s a last-resort policy, but it’s still a feasible choice if you’ve been turned down for other forms of life insurance.
Best Life Insurance for High BMI

Some insurance companies are worth considering if you need the best life insurance for high BMI. These tend to have a solid mix of reliability, reasonable rates, client happiness, and a strong claims history. They are as follows:
The financial strength of Principal Life Insurance firm is rated A+. They provide a wide choice of insurance options. Furthermore, their personnel responds quickly to any inquiries. Principal employs unisex build charts, which gives larger ladies an edge. They also divided their charts into three age groups: 20–44, 45–64, and 65 and above. This is in line with research linking a little more weight in elderly adults to better health and lifespan.
Banner Life
For persons with a high BMI, Banner Life is one of the top life insurance providers. They can care for persons in less-than-ideal health classes because of the higher rates. Banner Life regularly offers some of the best life insurance prices for obese individuals throughout 10, 20, and 30-year term plans, as well as whole life policies. Banner life insurance evaluations have a track record of excellence in the market.
MetLife Insurance Company
In the insurance industry, MetLife is a major participant. They have an A+ for exceptional financial stability, much like the other two corporations mentioned above.
MetLife attempts to be all things to all people. They’re successful at it too. The best rate classes break their construction chart between male and female categories.
But in the Standard and Table health classes, they go unisex. Their weight limitations aren’t as liberal as Principal’s, but they’re still among the finest. MetLife life insurance reviews consistently rank them as one of the top life insurance companies for individuals with high BMI.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I get the best life insurance for high BMI?
Yes. If your BMI is within a specified range, you may acquire life insurance. Your insurance will also be determined by whether or not you have any additional health or medical concerns.
Why should insurers be aware of BMI?
When you enroll for life insurance, you will very certainly be asked several questions regarding your habits, health records, and, in many cases, your family’s health records.
Life insurance companies often use BMI as one measure of your health. This information aids life insurance carriers in determining the degree of risk connected with your claim, as well as the likelihood of you filing a claim.
Is it possible to lie about my weight while applying for the best life insurance for high BMI?
Because of the financial consequences of being overweight, it may be enticing to lie about your weight when enrolling for insurance coverage. Non-disclosure, on the other hand, is illegal and, if detected, may invalidate your life insurance policy. As a consequence, your loved ones’ claims will be dismissed.
When it comes to life insurance, what is the maximum BMI?
With some popular insurers, the maximum BMI for life insurance might be as high as 47.
In conclusion, you can easily access the best life insurance for high BMI through the tips highlighted above. Furthermore, don’t be put off while applying since there are several possibilities. The essential thing is to ensure you and your family have enough coverage.