About 10,000 professional musicians have relied on MusicPro insurance for more than 20 years to keep their instruments safe from theft or damage. Here is the guide on Music Pro insurance review.
As a result, it helps if the project studio floods or breaks down. Your equipment cart goes missing overnight, or your cat spills coffee on your keyboard when you wake up the following day.
If something happens to your tools, you might lose your job. This could be because of a natural disaster, the weather, or even a simple accident. Make sure this doesn’t happen to you.
The people who help you are your guardian angels, godfathers of gothic musicians, or just people who give you both spiritual and financial help. As with public liability insurance, there are limits to how much money they can give as returns. However, they will tell you how much it would be.
People who play music on the road should get this kind of insurance. It’s best for artists and bands. It protects you from accidents, property damage, and other losses you might be liable for, so you don’t have to pay for them.
What about your tools? Suppose your child had an accident that wasn’t your fault. What would you do? There are insurance policies specifically for musical instruments, and they can come in handy when things happen.
About MusicPro Insurance

“MusicPro Insurance is a cheap and comprehensive insurance policy covering everything.” You can expect to pay a $100 deductible for each insured instrument and low prices.
There are two types of coverage that MusicPro has: standard coverage for a wide range of individual musicians and classic coverage for a lot of symphonies.
It’s quick and easy to get help from the MusicPro team. People who apply get a check-in 24 hours or less.
For people who need a refund as quickly as possible, MusicPro is one of the best places to go. To get quick, short-term pay, you should call them.
Their gear is covered even if you have a chronic case of GAS.
- The insurance company MusicPro also has special liability insurance packages for musicians who need coverage for their business premises or studios and event packages that cover musicians who need coverage for one-time concerts or recordings.
- As a side note, you will hear about this as ‘equipment buying syndrome’ for those of you who don’t know. In our case, we always have our eyes open for the next new piece of equipment.
- That’s why we often switch instruments or even borrow tools to try them out before we buy them.
- This won’t be an issue if you have an insurance plan like MusicPro.
- On the other hand, it can be hard to set up music equipment in your home or private space (if not impossible).
- In the case of insurance like MusicPro, you have access to a list of the most up-to-date gear.
- No matter how often you buy new audio equipment, you’ll always have the most up-to-date equipment.
- It pays for the cost of things you usually use (up to a certain amount), even if you borrow them while you’re away.
- They can give you loans for more than 30 days.
- This is good news because your equipment will have its coverage, no matter where you are or how often you change it.
Know what’s covered and what’s not.
When you have liability insurance, it can be helpful to know what happens if your equipment suffers damage.
“MusicPro” insurance usually covers some of the risks of accidental damage.
You’ll need to check your policy first, but it usually covers things like theft and vandalism. There was a break-in on your bus. Someone steals your guitar. What insurance is for is to cover things that might not come up.
What doesn’t come with standard insurance? As you know, you can’t get a refund for things that get worn and dirty. It doesn’t make sense, but we’ll tell you anyway. Fraud is a huge deal. You or someone close to you could get into much trouble in court if you caused the damage.
For example, insurance doesn’t cover manufacturing flaws (contact the equipment manufacturer).
- Do not believe your boss when he says he knows someone who does this.
- Whether or not they are your friend, if you don’t trust them when it comes to expensive equipment, you can learn to say “no.” Skillfully, of course.
- Then there are companies like MusicPro Insurance, which can offer cheap insurance with low deductibles of up to $100. If you care about your instruments, it doesn’t make sense not to get insurance for them.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where are my instruments and equipment covered?
No matter where you are, all of your equipment have its coverage. Anywhere is fine, whether your house, automobile, a concert, or even checked baggage on an aeroplane.
What type of losses is covered?
An “All Risk” policy covers all possible risks. Anything that doesn’t appear as yours will be part of this policy. An insurance policy will cover everything from theft to accidental breakage to fire to lightning to vandalism to damage caused by automobiles or aircraft.
What is the foundation for valuing any claim I could have?
If you don’t replace the equipment, you’ll get compensation for the main monetary equivalent at the time of the loss. If you don’t get back your instruments, they will return you money according to the replacement cost.
Items you will replace must be almost identical to those you had in the first place. If a specific thing is no more manufactured, a substitute that accomplishes the same goals may be used in its place. A $100 deductible is all that you will need for the policy.
What is the average time it takes for a claim to be resolved?
The objective is to process all complaints and send out checks within 12 to 24 hours. The time it would take to get a police statement (in the case of theft) or a written restoration estimate varies depending on the circumstances of each case.
Bottom line
There are now almost 7,000 people who use MusicPro. They range from music students to famous musicians to studio owners and touring bands. They’ve bought over $2 million worth of equipment from them.
Music Pro is now the most sought-after company in the field. It’s imperative to protect the instruments that people play, teach, learn, or record music for living use.
Insurance pays for damage caused by fire, vandalism, theft, accidental damage, water damage, and earthquakes worldwide. It also covers transportation of your car and a lockout for the night.
The vice president, Laura Donnellan, says that the claims process is straightforward, and it doesn’t take long. You will find an application form you must fill out on the website. This form asks for a detailed list of the equipment covered by the claim. There is a flat rate based on how many things are on the list. Once you submit the application and pay for the policy, you get immediate approval, and they process it the same day or even the next day.
Music genres range widely and include everything from classical to grime, punk to electro, and so on. It doesn’t matter if you’re performing at home or in front of a large crowd; venues and audiences are always different. As a result, Ensure 4Music has developed a wide range of coverage options to ensure that you only pay for the insurance that you or your band requires.
- https://www.musicproinsurance.com/
- https://www.musicproinsurance.com/pages/faq
- https://www.musicproinsurance.com/pages/coverageDetails
- https://www.facebook.com/MusicProInsurance/
- https://www.musicconnection.com/musicpro-insurance-guardians-of-the-gear-galaxy/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/audioengineering/comments/8ub9y8/does_anyone_have_any_experience_with_musicpro/